
Autumn Affair!

I thought that I would never be so down again with God in my life.But no. People do fail us due to expectation. I rem pastor bob mention that the bridge between expectation and reality is disappointment. Anyway, dun wanna mention it. the faster it end, the better.

I struggled getting up in the morning which will affect my mood for the entire day and I swear I am NOT a "morning" person. Not at all. God Help Me in this coming two weeks. Give me strength and guardian angel to lead and teach and guide me through.
I look forward in two weeks time where i can get my FREEDOM.
To sleep till the cock is having his lunch, To sleep without my alarm clock ringing, To sleep like nobody's business!

1. I'm going to LA with Jeph! (My childhood dream gonna being fulfilled!)
2. Snnnnooooze all morning! (the SHIOK-ness in life)
3. Amore! wanna get back my shape!(I wanna get back my shape!)
4. Retail Therapy in Forever 21! ( That's HEAVEN~!)
5. Lantern festival in Chinese Garden
6. Azzura with Deer Dear
7. Wild Honey with Sista
8. Catching up with September babies!
9. LegoLand w sibilings & Jeph
10. Night Safari

There are lots of place in mind which I am earnestly dying to BRUNCHz':
1. Antoinette
2. Full House
3. Food for Thought
4. Wild Honey
5. Hutch
6. Grin Affair
10 September 2012 @ 1:33 AM / 0 daisies

Garden by the bay

Couple outing! This National day was different compared to the rest of the year.
We headed to Cloud Dome at gardens by the bay! Awww..magnicicant waterfall came
sparkling down with purplish backdrops. Its so pretty!
Went around exploring the dome and had a great time there:)
Thanks for your great companion!

10 August 2012 @ 2:30 AM / 0 daisies

Things will never be the same again when you know God and the words of God.
How Amazing God is! Always molding and shaping me for the better.
Well, I am so looking forward for August!

-Our monthly anniversary
-Overnight prayer meeting
-Sista,Calvin,Zulia Bday
-SOT graduation dinner
-Bintan: Time to let our hair downs baby!Shake it mama

I am going back Amore to exercise!
It will be my last submission for book reviews by the end of August
It will be my last preaching test
Plus there r two public holiday:D
30 July 2012 @ 9:43 PM / 0 daisies

Dear diary,
I am feeling like the rain which had just pour out heavily and now it is awaiting the sunshine.
I want to thank God for Jeph who is always by my side despite his exams, he still make time to keep me company and be there for me. No amount of words can describe how thankful and how much i love you. I want to thank God for sending Wendy into my life. I might not know her very well, yet i felt this strong connection I had with her. Her constant encouragements, words, love & sincerity had touched me deeply.

Life is indeed challenging. This year is really challenging! Having to balance life with work, study, friends, family, ministry and service!BUTwill put throughhh!


-42km Sundown
02 May 2012 @ 1:35 AM / 0 daisies

I wanna pray for Jia En and family.I pray that she will be able to pull through this difficult situation. Dear God, give her the strength to overcome it with her mum & sister.

I wanna pray for Wei Xian and May. May their relatioship improve with each passing day, when they get to know each other..Oh dear heavenly Lord father, may you be in the centre of their relationship. May all things be well for them!

I wanna pray for Bernard's parent and Bernard. Through this accident, I prayed, may their relationship improved and better bonding with his family. Blessed him with good health and wealth!

I pray in your name, Dear Lord Jesus.
17 January 2012 @ 2:55 AM / 0 daisies

Europe or Hokkido by June!
22 December 2011 @ 4:05 AM / 0 daisies

Xmas is around the corner! I am starting to get the merrily, jolly,
christmas feeling after stepping Orchard Road today.
A happy ocassion to celebrate! Woohoo!

Things I want to do
1. Go Orchard Road take pictures
2. Watch MI 4
3. Appreciation dinner
@ 4:02 AM / 0 daisies

MovieWorld In Australia!
It was a total brand new experiences being out of Singapore.
Aussie people were friendly and nice. They always greet you with a smile,
 followed by, " Hello, how are you?"
I really had a great and enjoyable time there with love.

@ 3:45 AM / 0 daisies

To my most Splendid, Awesome boyfriend!

Thanks for always loving me wholeheartedly
Thanks for always being there for me
Thanks for being the one who always listens to my nonsense and
still listen even though i repeat like 101 times.
Thanks for always giving me the best with what you have despite your finance.
Thanks for your endless care and love you always shower upon me
Thanks for always being so patience with me and hardly get angry with me
Thanks for being the one who bring joy, laughter and happiness to my life!
Thanks for always sacrificing your sleep to send me to tuition place or home
Thanks for giving up so much of your time to keep me company in sunny and rainy days
Thanks for being the bridge to meet God in my life
Thanks for everything that you have done.
And thank for making a difference in my life.
I mean every words that I said and lastly,

I LOVE you from the bottom of my butt!

12 September 2011 @ 2:43 AM / 0 daisies

Woohoo! Manage to catch the movie,
Smurf and the GLEE movie concert 3D!
Catch up with wenxing and went for CG too!
Happy happy happy!  Happy Week! :D

Another occasion to be happy about!
Huifang, Melvin and Jackson are attached!
I can feel and smell in the air!Really give them with my
warmest blessing from the bottom of myheart and all the best!
God is good!
@ 2:29 AM / 0 daisies

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